About this time every year, I start looking for shirts that can carry me through the holiday season. What I’m looking for is a tall order! I’m looking for shirts that I can wear to nice holiday dinners at my friend’s homes, to various evening events at my boy’s schools, and possibly to Thanksgiving or New Years Eve. Well, this year (lucky for me and now for you guys), I found one of these shirts early! I hit the jackpot! I mean, who doesn’t love a flow-y, yet stylish shirt that you can dress up or down? This shirt also comes in black, and I kinda want it!
It doesn’t hug the waistline, yet it’s flattering because of where it hits!
Here I’m wearing it with flats for a more casual look.
Then I put on some heels, and it instantly has a party feel! Just with a change of shoes!
Top- Lou & Grey, Pants- Paige Denim, Heels- $$Here and $Here for similar, Flats- J.Crew for similar, Bag- Elaine Turner for similar, Watch- Kate Spade, Earrings- Here
You can check out more options (here).
Photos by Traci Ling
how does the shirt run? most things from loft run big, in my opinion.
I think it runs true to size.
I love the color.
Oh yea!!! I cute flowy top that I can afford!!! Yippy yippy!!!
What size are you wearing?