I’m filled with gratitude over your response to Wednesday’s post on the blog, Instagram and Facebook. As I said on Wednesday, I’m filled with gratitude that I can now see and enjoy the little jollies in life! So without further ado, here’s where I’m getting my latest jollies:
My New Favorite Dairy Free Drink:

No joke, I am grateful for this drink. I have been trying to find a DAIRY FREE coffee that tasted just as good as my usual iced coffee with 4 pumps of vanilla and extra cream from Starbucks. Let’s just say, I like my coffee like dessert, and this new combo tastes just like dessert but is DAIRY FREE and WAY less sugar! I actually like it better, and I can make it at home! If you’d like to know why I’m going dairy free and why I’m gluten free, let me know in the comments. Otherwise, I’m just going to assume this is pretty boring subject matter -hahahaha!
My New Favorite Netflix:
I’m sure most of you know this, so this is old news, but Brené Brown has a Netflix Original: The Call to Courage out! You guys know what a huge fan of hers I am. It all started with her book, The Gifts of Imperfection. It really helped me when the perfect little world I imagined in my head started to crack. Ooooo, that wasn’t pretty -ha! Anyway, you guys gotta watch this!
Favorite Song:
While I was laying on my mat after an hour long workout with my eyes closed during “cool down” (I think it has some fancy word like “vinyasa”, but I can’t remember it), I heard these words…

…and couldn’t help but get a little teary eyed. These are thoughts and feeling I have to fight. So on any given day, this song can bring me encouragement, a sense that I’m not alone in whatever I’m feeling, and makes me realize that all those little voices that pop into my head are a whole bunch of LIES!!! I’d say that’s a pretty amazing song! Fear Is A Liar by Zack Williams
My New Favorite App:
Somehow, I ended up on a spam calling list as “Nathan.” I was getting at least 5-7 robot calls a day for “opportunites” for “Nathan.” I was working next to my friend who saw the amount of spam calls I received, and she told me about RoboKiller. I downloaded it, and it has significantly cut my spam calls to maybe 1-2 a day! And although that may not seem that great to some, I am so grateful!
Favorite Books:
If you like to feel like you’re on vacation on an island with a friend who is telling you some really good gossip, I’ve got the book (or shall I say books) for you. I have gotten hooked on Nancy Thayer Books” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener” aria-label=”Nancy Thayer’s books (opens in a new tab)”>Nancy Thayer’s books that take place on Nantucket Island. I’ve been told that the characters are actually real people that live in Nantucket, but I don’t believe it. Anyway, as we approach the summer, I thought you might like a bubblegum (no, really. straight bubblegum) read or two. I really like “A Nantucket Wedding” by Nancy Thayer.
Favorite New Sermon:
This is the best sermon I’ve listened to probably EVER. I know it sounds dramatic, but it answered so many things I’d been struggling with recently, specifically where the joy and happiness I’m supposed to be experiencing in this life is. Check it out if you’ve been wondering the same thing. “Backseat DJ’s by Steven Furtick“
Thought you might enjoy this post from today. It’s called “Here’s to Ten-Second Miracles All Around Us”, by Anna Rendell on the InCourage website. (I hope this link I pasted is correct!)
Beth, That was so good! I love the paragraph about the ten second miracles we experience every day- “When my car stops just in time to avoid being hit by the oncoming car. When I catch my toddlers’ hand just before the van door closes on it.” So good. Thanks for sharing it with me!
Just bought the app. I get at LEAST five spam calls a day. Thanks for the heads up!
Awesome! I’m so glad!
Hey, I get the “Nathan” calls too – thanks for letting me know about Robocall app!
Also, should I read the Nancy Thayer books in order, or do they stand alone?
Thanks for these Jollies. I, too, struggle mightily, while those looking in seem to think I have it made.
I wonder if these calls for “Nathan” is a thing?!?! You don’t have to read them in order. There are no repeating characters. Btw, I have a sneaking suspicion we’re not alone. Thanks for your comment, Mary!
I can’t wait to try your new coffee recipe. Looks delicious! I’d like to know why you’re going dairy free and have already gone dairy free. I could use some motivation to give it a try. Thank you!
Thank you!your blog posts are always part of my jollies 🤗 I’m interested in why you’re gluten free. I’m considering myself for skin reasons…
Ok, thanks for letting me know!
I’d forgotten about Nancy Thayer books ! Just downloaded Nantucket Wedding — sounds like the perfect relaxing chick-lit read! And it was only $1.99!
What a deal!!!
What’s the recipe for the coffee?
Thanks for the heads up! I think I fixed it!