Sometimes, after a busy weekend, I could use a little pick me up on Monday. Here are some happy links for you:
My Havaiana flip-flops have officially been replaced since I bought these Melissa’s at Saint Cloud in Houston.
I laughed so hard at this video, I dropped my phone. The end is the best.
Next time I’m having a down on myself mom day, I’m going to read this article. Thanks, Big Mama! You’re so right, it’s all about showing up.
I’ve been wanting to make this family vacation happen, and this post just sealed the deal.
Try to watch this video without getting sweaty palms.
I want a wedding dress do over.
A thick white jean? Yes, please! I wore these white jeans Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Between these new white jeans and the Best Jean Find EVER, I think I’m all set!
Here’s what I wore Saturday:
Outfit Links: Jeans- J. Crew, Top- “The Best Basic Tee” (here), Slides- Melissa
I laughed so hard at the video you posted on the moms in their swimsuits. Such a great Monday pick me up! Thanks for sharing!
Yay! I’m so glad! I did, too! HILARIOUS!