Happy Valentine’s!!! Let me be real for a sec. It has been said by many that “love is a verb”, and man, after 13 years of marriage, I really realize the validity of those words. My love doesn’t look like long stem red roses and red heart candy boxes anymore. Although that sure was fun (truth be told, I don’t like those candies), my love looks like choosing to actively love every day. And let me be clear, this is not easy for me. Love is hard work. So instead of a typical Valentine’s post, I thought I’d share the one book that has helped me the most in my marriage.
The book is The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. How appropriate is this book for Valentine’s Day??!!! Maybe the majority of you have read this book since it’s been on the #1 New York Time’s Best Seller List for 8 years running with over 11 million copies sold! See, I’m not the only one who found it helpful!!!! No wonder they made us read it as part of our pre-marital counseling!
This book is so darn practical, and y’all know I love that! It has helped me do the things for my husband that mean something to him and make him feel loved. Now, I no longer spin my wheels or waste time and energy doing the things that aren’t apart of his “Love Languages.” Here’s a practical example: One of my husband’s love languages is “words of affirmation.” Therefore, I know that sending him a sweet text in the middle of the day helps him feel loved, versus taking out the trash, an “acts of service” love language, that he doesn’t care about. Yay, I don’t have to take out the trash! I can just write a text! Win/win! Did that just confuse you more? Hahahaha! Just read the book, you’ll love it!
So, since I have this knowledge, guess what I’m giving my valentine? A hand written note from me. As for me, I think I’ll pass on the red heart candy box.
A friend and I were just saying how useful that book is. The 5 Love Languages of Children is insightful and helpful too!
I’m going to order it today!
This book is awesome!!! Works so well with anyone in your life. Love it!
That’s so true!