Every year my, sister and I shop till we drop at the Nutcracker Market in Houston (No, really. We both had to take Advil yesterday for our aches and pains -ha!). We’ve been doing it so long, I can’t remember when we started. We used to shop it with our mom when we were little. I’ll never forget the time she purchased a very large needlepoint Christmas stocking for our house (I have it now, and it brings back good memories.). My sister also reminded me of the time I took her to the Nutcracker Market when her daughter was a newborn for two hours (the longest she could go between feedings). Good memories all around! We shopped so hard yesterday, I had blisters. I wore booties this year, so next year I will definitely wear tennis shoes -ha! Just a little word to the wise.
Here’s my Nutcracker Market Guide:
The Royal Standard Booth #1837
I freaked out over this Noel Christmas decoration! Now I’m upset I only bought one! It looks good on my door, my kitchen window and on my mirror in the dining room.
Y’all know I like a soft (not a nary of an itch) and versatile scarf!
Decorative plastic wine glasses…all hostess gifts, check!
The Write Designs Booth #715 Decorative Cups
With sayings like “P.M.S. Pour Me S’more” and “I laughed so hard tears ran down my leg”, how could I not buy them?!?
The Paul Michael Company Booth #925
This tartan plaid ribbon is going to make all of my Christmas presents look fabulous. Plus, I can’t pass up green tartan plaid!
They had a whole bunch of cute decorative pillows. My husband and I used to own a Vespa, so I had to get these. We sold it once our boys were born, but we have a picture of our oldest on it. So cute!
This black and white lazy Susan looks perfect in my black and white kitchen! Pass the salt and pepper, please!
South Austin Gallery Booth #553 (Dishwasher Safe Cutting Board that capture your memories)
Talk about a fun, unique gift! I bought a Kay’s Lounge cutting board for one of my friend’s who met her husband at Kay’s Lounge!
The Brookwood Community Booth #1821
My sister gave me a plain white one of these plastic plates. I use it all the time to put hot dog buns, chips, and other fixings on it. And then this Santa one was spotted, and I had to have it!
Vinglacé Booth #1234
Vinglacé – a new and elegant way to keep your wine chilled! It sure does beat my old way of an ice pack and a sturdy rubber band! They have a new wine cup with a glass center that you can pull out and put in the dishwasher (tumbler version coming in the Spring)! No more cleaning your stainless steel cups by hand just throw the glass part in the dishwasher!
Paris Texas Apparel Co. Booth #1406
I love Texas, and I love coffee. Done.
Could there be a better dude gift?
My sister will be posting her picks, too! Be sure to check her out on Instagram at Tell It To Your Neighbor!
Saw you at White Designs. You looked great!
Hi Sandra! That place was crazy, wasn’t it?! What cups did you buy?