There’s nothing like perfectly curated photos by Slim Aarons to get me in the mood for summer! Oh, how this perfectionist loves those scenes and photos. But, just like these idyllic outdoor scenes, swimsuit photos are perfectly crafted, too. Of course, I can look at either type of photograph and wish my life more resembled them, but I’ve spent too much time there. I’m tired of the underlying, discontented feeling that puts a damper on all the activities in my life. Instead, I’m choosing to appreciate the photos for what they are: perfectly crafted, curated photos. I want to focus on and appreciate the real stuff that makes my life full, like my kids’ laughter coming from the pool as they play Marco Polo with their cousins.
It seems like an easy enough thing to do until I think about taking the same approach with my body (choosing appreciation and focusing on the stuff that makes my life full over discontentment). That is HARD! But I’m trying! That’s why I now prefer to call and think of my “issue areas” as my “assets”! They are the assets I’ve acquired from a life well lived. Because as the saying goes…
“When you change the way you think about something, you change the way you feel about it!”
So, as I go into this summer and this swimsuit season, this is the approach I’m taking. And with all of this in mind, I’ve been doing lots of swimsuit shopping. There has been such a good selection, so I thought I’d share what I found! If you’re in the market for a fun new swimsuit, I hope this selection makes shopping easier for you to find some fun new styles for summer.
What a great collection! I love that free people calista bathing suit top. Thanks for putting this together.
I have it, and I love it! Thanks for reading!