There is a kind of pant that I’m hooked on and I can’t stop wearing -ha! Do these look familiar?
Links to above pictures:
If you’ve followed along for even just a little while, then you probably know how much I love these pants. I wear them all the time. I think the main reason I wear them so much is because they are a good blue jean alternative. You know when blue jeans are a little too casual, but you don’t want to wear your black or white jeans? Well, these are the perfect solution! They are a little dressier than blue jeans and are different than your classic black and white. The green/grey color can be treated like a neutral, and I love that this color adds some unexpected interest to your look. And for those reasons, these favorite pants have been worn out. Literally. They have a hole in the crotch (wawawaaaaa).
But then I was shopping the Nordstrom half yearly sale and found these on sale! Could it be?!? A replacement for my J Brands that are on sale?!? Well, as you can see, I’ve been wearing my new pair like crazy. The outfit on the right is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. I was going up to my son’s school for a meeting. I didn’t feel quite comfortable wearing blue jeans, but I still wanted to be casual. Oh, and the Old Navy vest was the perfect solution for adding coverage and keeping me warm in the cold indoors.
Wow, who knew a pair of pants could inspire an entire post?! But after putting together outfits in a clients closet and having the army green color conversation, I knew I wanted to do a post on their versatility in a wardrobe. Here are some other army green options for you:
GREAT POST CARLY! You know I’m always wearing my army green military jacket and think the color adds a great punch to lots of outfits. Why have I never had a pair of army green pants? Time to fix that IMMEDIATELY!
Greeeeeattttt you just enabled me to buy not only the pants but the cute fruit shirt LOL. I have a pair of pants similar to this in navy that I wear a lot and love. And hey I dedicated a WHOLE post a couple weeks ago to a pair of coral jeans from WHBM and 7 outfits paired with them…when you love something you find a way to make it work many ways. Makes the investment not sting as much 😉
Thanks for sharing as always,
so funny, I have about 3 pairs of green pants and I just ordered a slouchy style from Piperlime today! They are the “go with everything” pant.
Great pants for summer! Love how you styled them!