Something really weird happened at the beginning of the summer… I stopped reaching for my beloved white skinny jeans that I have worn for the past three summers! I kept thinking to myself, “What’s wrong with my white skinny jeans? Why don’t I feel like wearing them anymore? Are they dated?” Then I ran into a friend one night, and she asked me what I thought about her jeans. I looked down and saw that she cut her white skinny jeans at the bottom to make a raw edge. I was like, “UMMMMM, DING, DING, DING!!!!!”! My white skinny jeans needed an update and a little bit of edge! I guess I got bored of them! So do you know what I did? I went home and cut off the bottom of my beloved (and expensive) white skinny jeans! I was a little nervous, but I knew I had nothing to lose. I wasn’t wearing them anyway. Now I’m wearing them all the time, and I love them!!! It was definitely the right decision! Are you feeling the same way towards your skinny jeans? If so, here’s how to DIY a raw edge on your denim:
Supplies: sharp scissors and a safety pin
First, I determined the length. I wanted my jeans to hit right above my ankle bone. I just folded them under and took them off oh so gently -Ha! You can always use pins or tape to be more precise :). Then, using the sharpest scissors I could find, I cut the jeans in a straight line. I was cutting right at the hem, so I used the hem seam as my guide. You could alway use a ruler. Once they were cut, I used the tip of the safety pin and started pulling out threads from the bottom. I probably took 6-9 threads out of the bottom hem. I just kept pulling until I liked the way it looked. The raw edge laid very flat, so I threw them in the washer and dryer. This made the raw edge fluffy, and it also caused some of the threads to hang down (like you see in the picture), which I love! If one gets really long, I just cut it.
Viola! I have a new pair of white jeans for the summer, and I didn’t spend a dime!
Outfit Links: Jeans- J Brand, Sandals- K. Jacques (similar)
You are something else, CStyle!!! Great idea.
Good idea! I have four pairs of long white skinny jeans, and I just bought another pair on sale. What is wrong with me? I haven’t worn mine this year, either. And I have at least two pairs of cropped white skinny jeans.
Jeanie, I love it! It sounds like you need to cut the bottom off of at least one of those pair!
Brilliant! Looking for my scissors