From top left: Silicone Loofah: TDHDIKE Store, Water Tumbler: Stanley, Cursive Gold Name Necklace: NisPersonalized, Watch: Apple, Marker Set: Mildliners, Lip Mask Set: Laneige, Makeup Brush Set: Tarte, Portable Charger: Yoobao, Crimper/Curler: Mermade Hair, Sweatsuit: Athleta Top & Bottom, Face Masks: Que Bella, Lip Gloss Set: Tower28, Sneakers: Nike, Hair Claw Clip Set: Lululemon, Cosmetic Case: Caboodles, Phone Case: Cocomii, Flair Pens: Papermate, Jewelry Case: SF Sea
Mary James (or as I’ve been calling her since she was 5, May) has so kindly put together an amazing tween girl gift guide for us! May (@maryjamesroark@maryjamesroark) lives across the street from me, and her mom one of my closest friends (@peepmama@peepmama), which is a gift straight from heaven! May (and her mom) always shares the fun things they find with me. It’s so fun! Now, we are sharing the fun with you all!
Marker Set: Mildliners
Calling all artists, doodlers, planners, and sign makers (that’s what we called them back in the day)– these markers are just for you!
Water Tumbler: Stanley
These tumblers make so much sense! It fits in a car cup holder, and it has a handle! Genius! May likes the big 40 oz. one, but a reader told me she prefers the 30 oz. because it’s not as heavy- just something to think about.
Crimper/Curler: Mermade Hair
Now this is my kind of crimper. This gives you a pretty crimp very different from the kink looking crimper from the 80’s. I gotta find that picture for you all.

Cursive Gold Name Necklace: NisPersonalized
You know those necklaces you still have from growing up? I can see this being one of those necklaces for these girls! May prefers a gold cursive necklace.
Lip Gloss Set: Tower28
These are all the rage, and I, for one, am very curious! Plus, we actually found them in stock somewhere, so yay!
Blush: Saie
Serendipitously, I just ordered Saie blush for myself, and then I noticed it on May’s gift guide! I love this blush because it looks like your natural cheek color and stays on all day!
Cosmetic Case: Caboodles
May specifically likes the mini size! I kinda want to buy one for myself as a throw back, but honestly, I think it would be really great for travel!
Silicone Loofah: TDHDIKE Store
This would be a great stocking stuffer, and it sure beats the plastic loofahs of my day.
Flair Pens: Papermate
Who doesn’t love flair pens?!
Lip Mask Set: Laneige
The hype around this lip mask has me so curious!
Makeup Brush Set: Tarte
I remember the first time I bought a set of brushes from Target. I still have them, and I bet these gals will keep their brushes for years, too!
Hair Claw Clip Set: Lululemon
I really love the colors of the Claw Clips at Lululemon!
Watch: Apple
Portable Charger: Yoobao
How cute is this portable charger?!

Jewelry Case: SF Sea
We chose this jewelry case because who doesn’t love a pretty monogram? Plus, the price is right!
Sneakers: Nike
Chances are if you have a teen/tween, you’ve seen these Nike Blazers, but have you seen them in this cute, pink combo?!
Phone Case: Cocomii
The Flaunt square edged phone cases are super popular in Dallas. My aunt, cousins and cousin’s tween daughter all have them! We were able to find a less expensive version on Amazon. They’re super cool, so I might give one a try!
Face Masks: Que Bella
My cousin’s daughter told me about these masks. She and her friends love them! Thank you, Lane!
Sweatsuit: Athleta Top & Bottom
How cute is this sweatsuit?! Who doesn’t love tie dye?!
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