Since grey jeans were on my “10 Fall Staples” post under “nice to have”, I thought I would share the best fitting pair of grey jeans I have found this season. Plus, they are on SALE right now, so it’s perfect timing, no? Now, I’m trying a little something different with this post (thankfully I had a willing participant). You see, I have no butt and my friend does have a butt, so I took pictures of both of us in the same pair of grey jeans. This way, if you are in one of our camps, you can see that these jeans fit both of us well! I’m not saying one is better than the other (although I’ve always been envious people with of butts), and I’m not trying to point out something on a woman’s body (no panties in a wad, please). I am very sensitive to women and their bodies. You can read more about why (here). I am just trying to help those of you who don’t have time to shop or try on grey jeans but want to buy a pair. I have also included a jean buying tip you won’t want to miss!
Here they are on me. I feel like they actually give me a butt, yay! Here is my tip (and this tip deserves an entire post of it’s own- it’s that profound and important!): You see how I have indented lines under my butt? It’s ok! I can already hear it… “Mine look like this… You haven’t seen mine…”. No, but I have seen all my clients and friends, and I know that it’s not that bad! The way you see it in your brain is not the way other’s see it. Whatever you do, don’t go up a size when you see this! To get rid of these lines, you would have to go up 2 or 3 sizes. Then the jeans look baggy and you’ve instantly gained 5-10 lbs. I’m serious. Just trust me. This is the greatest tip I can ever give. Like, I think I should stop writing C. Style now -ha!
Here they are on my friend. Paige denim always fits butts really well! They are known for it.
Here they are on me again from the front…
…and the side.
And here they are on my friend from the front…
… and side.
The sales associate was the one who recommended these to us, because she said they are always a favorite. Now I see why! And the reviews are also very positive!
And then I was in Anthropologie and saw that they carry them, too. You know a pair of jeans are winners when the non-department stores (i.e. not as much inventory) carry them! I would definitely buy these, but I have this pair (higher waist) from last fall that I’m still wearing. But now you know about a great pair of grey jeans, and now I know just what to buy when mine wear out! If you’re looking for a less expensive pair, I wrote about a this great pair of gap jeans in this post and now they have similar jeans in grey (here and here)!
Thank you soooo much for posting this with so many different angles! I never know when pants actually fit properly and always end up asking the sales associate, which doesn’t always work out. I have purchased so many pairs of pants that I thought fit but after 1 or 2 wears they were saggy/unflattering. Can you please do more posts where include the front. back, and sides when trying on clothing that fits well?
Thank you for linking your story. You are a beautiful inspiration!
Waaay too tight for me. I don’t like all the “fat” showing – ha!
It was so helpful to have the photos of the different fits. Great idea!
Love a good pair of gray jeans! Mine are citizens of humanity that I got 2 winters ago. I also own a pair of Paige denim and went down a size on the sales associate rec and it was great advice. I agree about the lines below the butt, great tip! ?the try on pics are always helpful!
Just got the jeans in and they fit and look great! Thanks for the recommendation!
I am so glad! I hope I get to see you in them.:)
This post was so helpful about fit etc..I ordered these exact jeans from Nordstroms and I love them. I also ordered my true size instead of sizing up based on this post and they fit perfectly – now that I know its ok to have the little line on the back of my thigh!
Yay! I’m so glad you found the fit info. helpful!