Do you know how difficult and awkward it is to take a lipstick picture when you have thin lips and big teeth? Ha! I persevered for you, my friends, because I felt like you needed to know about my new lipstick. It makes me feel holiday ready after a long day or even in the middle of a long day! People keep asking me about it, so I knew I had something! I was looking for a true oxblood colored lipstick after seeing a few write ups on this color in some fashion magazines. It inspired me, and you know how I love a red lip! Well, I tried on a whole bunch, and I was looking like I had licked my lips for three days straight… just ask my aunt-ha! Then I finally told the nice saleslady what I was looking for and she immediately said, “Oh, I have the perfect color for you”, and boom, she was right on the money. This is the Audacious Lipstick in Charlotte by NARS.
Oh, and I recently posted this to instagram, so I thought I’d share: “Every time I wear this eye shadow stick people ask about it! It truly is the easiest way to look holiday ready with just a few swipes! Plus, I love how this stick seems hyper-pigmented. I’m wearing “amethyst.”” You all may remember it from this post. I was getting so many compliments, I thought I’d share it again!
There is something about putting on a high pigment eye shadow and a statement lip that does something for my psyche. It just makes me feel party ready after a long day.
Both colors look great on you! Thanks for sharing your finds!
What’s the lighter color lipstick you are wearing in the last photo? 😊
Hi Kristin, It’s Bahama by NARS. Here’s the link–> HTH!
Love the Caviar stick, I use it all the time! What eyeliner are you using in that picture?
Hi, I’m wearing Bobbi Brown’s Long Wear Eyeliner in Caviar. Here’s the link–>
Do yo use a lipliner with your beautiful statement lip? If so, what would you recommend?
Hi Erin, I don’t use a lipliner. Although, that would make applying this lipstick a lot easier. Let me know if you find a good one! Thanks for your comment!