My sister and I went shopping last week, and I can’t wait to show you all what we found over the next week! But first things first, and because it’s a Monday (and I’m a little behind), I’m going to share the one item I found last year that is a cold weather game changer! You know how when you wear your booties and sneakers during the cold months, your feet get cold with cotton footies (my favorite cotton footies here)? Well, not anymore with these super soft, not itchy, perfectly warm Smart Wool footies! I surprised myself with how much I wore them last winter because it seems counterintuitive. But I wore them so much, I had to buy myself an extra pair! Trust me, you’ll see. Apparently I’m not the only one- check out the reviews!
Speaking of game changers, have y’all seen Atlantic Pacific’s collaboration with Nordstrom?!? Yes, please to it all! (I guess I’m not the only one here either. It’s selling out already, argh!) Here are a few of my favorites!
I have a few pair of similar Oxford style shoes and live in them. Always get the compliments! I want the pink ones. Tres cute.
They are so cute! I can’t decide which color I like most! The pink is sooooo cute!
I LOVE the favorite finds you post! Keep it up!
Thanks, Ann!
I will definitely have to give these socks a try!
xx, Merritt
The Style Scribe